Maison de la vigne
Our news

Le café du matin



To vary the pleasures of breakfast which must be a highlight of the stay in a bed and breakfast, we now offer at the Maison de la vigne in addition to the traditional poured coffee or tea, a whole range of Italian coffees or coffees with milk. which we have all heard of. Recipes known as espresso or cappuccino soon have no more secrets for anyone, but others such as Latte macchiato, café latte, café mocha, ristretto, lungo Américano and many more are perhaps to be discovered.

For those accustomed to these hot drinks, all you have to do is enjoy the preparation of your choice for your breakfast. For the uninitiated, this will be an opportunity to discover new flavors and change them every morning to vary the pleasures.
Short, long with or without milk, with or without foam, hot or cold, morning coffee is for many the essential ingredient for breakfast to start a good day. However, we will always offer delicious milk chocolates, and a variety of teas capable of delighting all palates.
These coffees and other hot drinks are served during morning breakfasts, but also during the day. It will also be possible to discover frozen or cold recipes such as affogato coffee or iced coffees.
 See you soon for new tastings.

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